The Partnership
Listen4Good started life as a grant initiative of Fund for Shared Insight, a collaborative funded by some of the most prominent foundations in the country. As the initiative grew in importance and scope, dedicated teams emerged within both the client organization and Dayspring. Through a multi-year project, we have gained intimate knowledge of Listen4Good’s work and become mutually embedded in each other’s teams. This rich partnership underscores our core belief that our success is intertwined with that of our clients.
The Challenge
The Listen4Good program coaches nonprofits through the implementation of robust feedback loops that require five crucial steps over the span of up to several months. Although the methodology was proven, it wasn’t a certainty that the program would also translate well to being an online app with limited coaching support.
Dayspring’s challenge was to create an online app that closely mirrored the offline program. The app needed to be user-friendly, include a rich array of functionality throughout each of the five steps, and provide online support that would empower users to independently implement successful feedback loops. Adding to the complexity of the project was the need to integrate with SurveyMonkey and Salesforce.
Fortunately, we love a good challenge.
The Project
WordPress CMS
SurveyMonkey API
Campaign Monitor
Salesforce Sales Cloud
Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack
Salesforce API
Dayspring identified the need for a clear visual position to promote the custom web application to a broader nonprofit audience, and began by creating a fresh brand identity for Listen4Good. To tackle the challenge of transitioning from a coaching model to a self-service one, Dayspring’s UX team and web development team worked in conjunction to combine a user-friendly flow on the front-end with a complex set of features on the back-end. The end product was a dynamic application that could continue to be revised and updated based on user feedback.
Wanting to reduce time to market for Listen4Good, Dayspring’s web development team leveraged the features of SurveyMonkey, Salesforce, and WordPress to create a custom web application that is both powerful as well as easy to use. Users are guided through a process that allows them to implement rigorous feedback loops on their own without requiring Listen4Good staff support or any other outside resources.
The UX design approach was to guide users step-by-step through each part of the feedback loop execution process. At each of the five steps, the web application offers a rich array of support — including lessons, step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and peer examples — to any organization that wants to systematically gather and respond to feedback from those they seek to help. They can design and collect surveys right inside the app, leveraging the SurveyMonkey platform, and even create reports and visualizations from the resulting data through a custom report builder tool. These custom reports allow users to see the results of their surveys in real time, and compare their Net Promoter Scores with those of other similar organizations.
With the goal of making life easier for the Listen4Good staff, Salesforce was implemented and integrated with the WordPress application to track data on application usage and progress. This allows L4G staff to monitor the application’s usage and monitor user progress through Smart Prompts, which were created to notice when and where users get stuck in the process, and send appropriate tips and help by email. These smart emails are powered by an integration of Campaign Monitor’s “Journeys” feature with Salesforce, allowing Listen4Good to produce drip campaigns and send customized emails based on Salesforce data on a user’s progress.
The result? Nonprofits now have a powerful tool that allows them to survey their clients, receive the feedback, and respond with improvements to their services. And because Listen4Good recognizes that there’s always room for improvement with the app itself, we will continue improve the product based on user feedback. In this way, the Listen4Good web app will continue to change and better serve interested nonprofits.