With its clinician-matching platform built by Dayspring, Matchwell tackles the issue of healthcare staffing to help alleviate the strain on our healthcare system
A clear view of true north
Though it’s tempting to start coding straightaway, we believe in the importance of taking the time to understand your underlying needs and accurately assess the big picture. The payoffs of this early time investment are a smart blueprint and sound project plan. It also gives us the opportunity to question assumptions and offer suggestions that might modify your goal for the better. What is your organization’s capacity for supporting the software? How do you envision your organization growing over the short-, mid-, and long-term? The result is a clear view of the destination: custom software made for you that is tailored, scalable, and future-ready.
New technology is not always better. When yesterday’s promising technologies fade away, users of those technologies incur significant costs migrating to different platforms. Oftentimes, newer software development studios gravitate towards the trendy technologies their programmers encountered in school, but investment in those technologies may not always prove to be sound. Long-standing technologies may not be as hip, but they can still capably and efficiently power your applications. Dayspring developers prudently select proven technologies that have successfully evolved while also adopting the best of the new advances.
What’s more, Dayspring engineers apply veteran insight and experience to the unseen-but-essential issues of either web app or mobile app development. We capably address critical areas such as scalability, third-party integrations, data security, responsiveness, browser compatibility, and device compatibility.
Dayspring took Matchwell’s vision and dove right in.

First, a series of Discover conversations assessed the overall business context and ensured we were all on the same page for Matchwell’s business scale plan. With that solidly understood, the Dayspring consulting team identified architectural options that would support a top-quality user experience, robust uptime, and future growth. In addition, Dayspring evaluated the licensing and third-party software cost implications of the various architectural choices, providing a high-level grid of options as well as a detailed analysis of pros and cons.

User Experience
Next, a 14-week Design cycle started with visualizing user flows and ended with the production of a detailed prototype. This prototype enabled the Matchwell team to virtually test drive the end-to-end platform experience, from a facility posting an opening to a nurse submitting a timecard for approval, and everything in between. Along the way, Dayspring’s team offered feedback, insight, and suggestions on Matchwell’s original spec–offering alternatives, pushing for clarity on things that were still fuzzy, and validating for buildability.
Dayspring also managed a full user testing cycle of both facility and nursing users to get early feedback on the prototype. Dayspring led the end-to-end testing process, complete with recruiting participants, scripting scenarios, recording sessions, and summarizing key learnings for incorporation back into the design prototypes.

The engineering team then built single-page apps for both facilities and nurses that synchronize to Salesforce on the backend, providing the right interface and user customizability for the three types of users: nursing managers at facilities, the nurses themselves, and Matchwell’s core team of credentialing experts. The platform as built is connected to its Salesforce backend via real-time synchronization with Heroku Connect, allowing the end user-facing frontend to remain up even in the event the Salesforce platform is inaccessible. And Heroku dyno technology allows for the platform to dynamically scale with usage. Finally, Dayspring also built a WordPress website to support Matchwell’s ability to get the message out to all the nurses and facilities to participate in transforming the industry.
Lowering facility staffing costs and increasing clinician wages—at the same time